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Mastering ‘Left and Right of Boom’ Strategy

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) face unique challenges. The ‘Left and Right of Boom’ approach is vital, focusing on both proactive measures before a cyber incident and reactive responses afterward. This article delves into how SMBs can effectively navigate these complexities, emphasizing a balance between prevention and resilience.

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Understanding and Managing Shadow IT Risks in Small Business: A Guide for Remote Work Era

Amidst the flexibility and autonomy that remote work brings, there lurks an often-overlooked challenge: the rise of Shadow IT. This trend isn’t just about convenience; it’s a growing risk factor that can expose small businesses to serious security vulnerabilities and compliance issues. Our latest post at B3X Technology sheds light on why employees turn to Shadow IT, its hidden dangers, and how small businesses can effectively navigate these waters.

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